Austin Anxiety and Trauma Specialists

Austin Anxiety and Trauma Specialists provides specialized treatment for mood and anxiety disorders at Austin, TX. We’ve helped many men and women with panic attacks, persistent anxiety, and obsessive thoughts using a practical and personalized approach in reducing anxiety. Schedule your appointment now.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Austin | Trauma Therapy Austin

Cognitive behavioral therapy Austin is an excellent treatment for trauma, alone or in conjunction with medication.


Cognitive behavioral therapy involves:

  1. Education and information about the symptoms of PTSD, the role of avoidance and the influence of thoughts and fears.
  2. Anxiety management, like slow breathing and relaxation.
  3. Gradual Exposure to trauma-related memories.
  4. Changing thoughts and fears concerning the traumatic event


  1. Education and data

It is necessary to know that your feelings and symptoms are normal. You have got been through a traumatic event and your body and mind would like it slow to know what is going on.


  1. Anxiety management

Strategies can be wont to decrease your arousal level, if it's too high. This may hopefully increase your sense of management and safety, and help you to face difficult memories and triggers related to the trauma. A few important tips:


Exercise regularly, and eat a well diet with regular meals.

  • Do one thing relaxing every day
  • Find a quiet and relaxing place
  • Clear your mind
  • Practice the slow breathing technique for one minute
  • Relax your muscles
  • Enjoy the feeling of relaxation
  • Practice once or double every day for a minimum of 8 weeks.
  • Reducing use of stimulants, like low and cigarettes.
  • Don’t use alcohol or alternative drugs to help cope. They create it worse.
  • Plan to do nice things every day.
  • Get back to a normal routine – regular sleep, meals then on.


  1. Exposure to trauma-related stimuli

It is necessary to step by step face the things and memories that you simply could have avoided. It’s best to seek the help of a professional trained specifically in providing PTSD Treatment Austin to begin to face your fears. Exposure can be each in your imagination and in real life (e.g. thinking of visiting the place wherever the accident occurred, and really visiting the place).


  1. Cognitive restructuring

Often individuals can have unhelpful, and maybe even incorrect, memories of the traumatic event. It’s necessary to begin to admit what happened during a realistic method, and to admit a number of the beliefs you'll have that are creating the traumatic memories tough to deal with. This may be terribly hard to do. An experienced healer, trained in cognitive behavioral therapy Austin, will be able to help you to confront these thoughts and beliefs during a gradual manner.


You can get help start by talking to your Trauma Therapist Austin. Another option is to contact Austin Anxiety Center and speak to a professional.
